Total Fire Protection

Are You Offering HVAC Black Friday Deals?

It has become a tradition to spend the Friday after Thanksgiving shopping for holiday gifts and taking advantage of Black Friday sales.

Considering the need to generate profits starting on Thanksgiving weekend, retailers scramble each year during Black Friday to maximize their competitive edge. As an HVAC contractor, you may not be a traditional retailer, but this shouldn’t exclude your business from offering specials to generate revenue and attract new clients.

Here are a few Black Friday ideas to consider for new and existing clients:

1) Offering Black Friday deals is a special time to follow up with existing clients on those opportunities that weren’t closed on the initial visit. For example, let your clients know that you are offering a Black Friday deal of X% off through a specific date. These calls do not have to be equipment only replacement opportunities, but any service that is recommended by a service technician or installer. You can open this opportunity up to anyone in your company; it doesn’t have to exclusively involve your sales team or service technicians. Allow the dispatchers and call-takers to call clients and pitch your Black Friday deals. Anyone who can close a deal by re-contacting a client receives a bonus payment or another incentive to reward them for their hard work. Post the close rate publicly where everyone in the company can see the results. You will be surprised by what can be accomplished through friendly competition.

2) Offering duct modifications can prove to be an excellent source of revenue generation during Black Friday. For the most part, unless the client has a zone system, ducts do not have any moving parts. Duct modifications can be a Black Friday deal you offer to both existing and new clients. You can offer an X% discount on a complete duct system upgrade. If the duct system is sized and installed correctly, your company can provide an outstanding warranty to clients on their new duct system.

3) Most people love a buy-one-get-one offer (BOGO). Here is an excellent opportunity to offer a Black Friday BOGO on your IAQ products. There are two primary reasons to provide your client with IAQ products. One is for health reasons. According to the EPA, most of us spend the majority of our time indoors. The air we breathe in our homes, schools, and offices can put us at risk for health problems. The second is for HVAC equipment protection. According to the EPA, “Accumulated debris can restrict the airflow in your air ducts, making your system work harder to heat and cool your home.” What better Black Friday deal can you give a customer than improving living conditions and protecting a significant investment such as their HVAC system.

4) Another BOGO Black Friday deal you can offer your customers are equipment tune-ups. We’ve all had customers with multiple systems, which can provide a tremendous opportunity for your business. Consider offering your clients with numerous systems a BOGO for Black Friday. If you have a customer with two systems, let them know you are running a tune-up special for Black Friday, and if they buy a tune-up for one system, they get the second tune-up on their other system at no charge to them. For clients with more than two systems, you can get creative with your Black Friday offers.

5) We’ve all heard the term, “sharing is caring.” Here is an excellent opportunity for your business to help your customers give the gift of HVAC tune-ups. Instead of offering a BOGO to that customer, offer a BOGO to your client and let them choose who will benefit from the free tune-up. Your customer can choose to give a free tune-up to their neighbor, friends, or a family member. This Black Friday deal will afford a terrific opportunity to expand your business to new clients that may not have been previously exposed to your business. People do business with people they like and trust, and the “sharing is caring BOGO’ will allow your customers to refer your business to their neighbors, friends, or family members.

Black Friday 2020 is going be different this year. With the pandemic threatening a resurgence in the fall, the traditional door-busting sales that take place after Thanksgiving will undoubtedly be toned down to a minimum this year. Since social distancing norms and COVID-19 rules are still in place, it is nearly impossible to enjoy a physical Black Friday sale. However, don’t let this stop you from being creative and standing out in your market. You should start planning now for the Black Friday deals you plan on offering and market them to your existing clients and potential new clients. Also, you do not have to wait for Black Friday to get here; go ahead and offer some deals early and beat the ‘Black Friday overload’ to stay ahead of the game.

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