Answering Customer IAQ Concerns with Proven Methods

The conversation around indoor air quality and interest in cleaner air continues to grow as consumers become savvier about how what they breathe impacts health and daily living. Our industry is positioned to provide solutions to their growing concerns as we begin to understand the airborne threats homes face, the precise needs of our customers, and the proven methods we can employ for improving indoor air quality.

Knowing the threats

Insights into today’s quality of indoor air reinforce reasons for consumer concern.  Human-emitted airborne particles like COVID-19 have changed how our world operates and thinks about IAQ. And that raised awareness has us thinking about the fast-approaching seasonal flu.

As all-consuming as these health hazards might currently seem, a pre-COVID-19 report from the EPA highlighted other IAQ threats also lurking indoors. It found that, “Americans, on average, spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors, where the concentrations of some pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than typical outdoor concentrations.” The majority of the offending indoor pollutants, the EPA said, originate from these key areas

Understanding the customer

As HVAC providers, we have the opportunity to advise homeowners on ways they can improve their indoor air quality and assist them in developing personalized solutions to meet their unique needs.  This starts with inquiring into the homeowner’s challenges and determining if they fit into one of these key categories that would benefit from an added IAQ solution:

Employing the solutions

After establishing a homeowner’s reasons to consider IAQ improvements, we can share recommendations built upon ASHRAE research and findings that were recently published in response to COVID-19 but serve well to address common IAQ concerns

Here are examples of how to turn those recommendations into beneficial solutions for customers:

  1. Suggest adding a whole home air cleaner or a disposable filter with a higher MERV
    By adding a whole-home air cleaner, like the Trane CleanEffects, it is possible to remove as much as 99.98 percent of airborne pollutants of .1 microns or greater from a home. In fact, CleanEffects is proven to limit viruses like Influenza A*, bacteria and allergens. When a whole home air cleaner is not possible, high-efficiency filters (such as MERV 14) or higher to help take away some of the pollutants.
  1. Explain the value of continuously operating the HVAC fan
    ASHRAE found that, “Continuous operation at low speed should provide substantial filtration without undue draft.”  This can be simplified through programming the smart thermostat to that ensure the system is set to run. Should you be upgrading the entire system, propose a variable speed one to provide the most efficient continuous operation and highest level of comfort.
  1. Suggest using Ultra Violet Germicidal Irradiation
    These UV-C lamps installed in duct or near coils use output levels of the light and duration of output to kill or inactivate microorganisms. ASHRAE advises any UVGI system that is installed “should be maximally operated according to manufacturer instructions.”
  1. Survey what additional pieces might help the customer maintain normal temperatures and humidity levels within the home.
    This recommendation comes closest to what we might once have consider the daily work for our industry, as normal temperatures and humidity levels drive home. Indoor air quality adds yet another reason why it’s so important to install the right-sized HVAC system with humidifiers or dehumidifiers, as needed, while monitoring the entire system with a smart thermostat and sensors.

Armed with these recommendations, an understanding of our homeowners’ needs and a knowledge of what airborne pollutants they face, we can provide our customers with proven methods for improving their indoor air quality.

*Removes up to 99.9% Influenza A virus from filtered air, as reported 12/4/2015 by armid health group.

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