Total Fire Protection

Advocating on Behalf of Our Members

This election season, and the challenges our country has faced was not easy for any of us, but I encourage all of us to remain constructive, and instructive in helping our nation move closer together. As a nonpartisan association, we focus on public policies and principles, not partisanship or personalities. Because of our association status, we don’t speak out on every issue as often and exactly as some would like us to, but this is what I can share:

For 50+ years, ACCA has served the HVACR community, advocating on behalf of our members. We are the industry’s voice on Capitol Hill and before state legislators, utilities, code officials, the media, manufacturers, federal agencies, and other industry sectors. In addition to advocating on our member’s behalf, we have made it easy for you to make your voice directly heard through ACCA’s Grassroots Action Center, which you can get to by visiting Through this portal, you can send a message to your lawmakers conveying your support or opposition on important issues affecting the small businesses of the HVACR industry and your bottom line!

Current policy work ACCA is involved in includes:

In addition to making sure HVACR Contractors are represented on Capitol Hill, ACCA also has the ACCA-PAC which gives individuals in our industry the opportunity to join together and voluntarily pool resources to assist candidates and elected officials who support the HVACR industry. Decisions by elected officials impact our industry every day in multiple ways. Participating in the PAC gives ACCA the voice and political clout it needs in Washington to advance our agenda. For more information and to get involved, please visit

I am thankful for our strong and passionate HVACR industry advocates, and I welcome your thoughts and feedback on how ACCA is doing, and if there is anything you would like to see ACCA doing more of.

On behalf of the entire ACCA staff, we appreciate the work you do.

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