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ACCA’s Escobar Appointed To Uniform Solar Energy & Hydronics Technical Committee

ACCA, the nation’s largest association of indoor environmental systems professionals, announced that Luis Escobar, manager of codes & standards, was appointed to the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials’ (IAPMO) 2015 Uniform Solar Energy & Hydronics Technical Committee. He will be serving in the Research/Standards/Testing Lab interest category.

As a member of the committee, Escobar will be working with a group of individuals interested in the development of a comprehensive hydronics code that fully integrates all aspects of hydronic heating and cooling systems, including solar thermal, radiant, and geothermal technology. The committee will identify and submit recommended changes that update, enhance, and expand the existing Uniform Solar Energy Code (USEC) to assist in the development of the 2015 Uniform Solar Energy and Hydronics Code (USEHC). At the committee meetings, they will review all other submitted code change proposals, and then vote on whether to accept or reject them.

“It is extremely important that ACCA has gained a seat at the table to develop a code that will affect our members who work in the hydronics, geothermal, and solar markets,” said Paul T. Stalknecht, ACCA president and CEO. “Luis has worked on other industry code committees and will help ensure that the codes are reasonable for contractors to meet, while creating a comfortable and safe environment for customers.”

ACCA launched its Radiant & Hydronics Council (RHC) in 2011 and serves over 500 contractor members who work in the market segments affected by this code. ACCA’s RHC is the largest contractor-led hydronics organization in the country.

ACCA will update its members about code development and code changes as they occur. To learn more about the 2015 USEHC please visit

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