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ACCA Driving the Workforce Initiative

A view of the east steps of the United States Capitol Building.

ACCA has made strides to expand the educational opportunities for people in the technical workforce. Specifically, ACCA has supported the Perkins Act which is a primary funding source for secondary and post-secondary technical schooling. The grants under the Perkins Act allow students to receive real world experience through internships and apprenticeships which expand their knowledge in a technical field beyond the classroom.  

ACCA also supports the HOPE4HOMES act of 2021 to help the technical work force. This legislation would provide 500 million dollars in grants for energy efficient training for home installations and 6 billion dollars in rebates to homeowners who invest in energy efficient improvements. Not only would this legislation help environmental issues, but it would also be beneficial for the average homeowner who would receive a rebate for their environmental efforts.  

In addition, ACCA supports the bipartisan efforts of Chairman Bobby Scott, Rep. for Virginia’s third congressional district, and Virginia Foxx, Rep. for North Carolina’s fifth congressional district, to reauthorize the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. This act is the primary workforce development legislation in the U.S. A bipartisan roundtable was held to discuss efforts to help the technical workforce. 

ACCA also urges congress to support the Jumpstart Our Businesses by Supporting Students (JOBS) Act which increases the flexibility of the Pell Grant by extending eligibility to short-term job training programs which are in high demand. The HVACR industry faces a labor gap and this legislation allows for spots within the industry to be filled which increases earning potential and allows for more opportunities for those who would not have had the opportunity before.  

Aside from legislation, ACCA supports the education of people in the technical fields. There is a Workforce Development initiative which is free to members in good standing and provides online resources to help business owners participate in attracting and training students to be in the HVACR field. ACCA also supported an appropriations bill which provided money for adult education, federal work study, training grants, apprenticeship grants and much more.  

ACCA empowers the technical workforce with numerous resources for development, including tips on how to recruit, hire, and retain a diverse team. By teaching business owners about diversity, dispelling common myths about diversity, and implementing inclusive hiring and recruiting practices, the resources support ACCA’s mission to maintain a diverse and inclusive workforce throughout HVACR businesses. 

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