Total Fire Protection

6 Questions HVAC Contractors Should Ask Themselves Before Using AdWords

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If your HVAC contracting business isn’t advertising on Google yet, you need to start right now. When someone’s air conditioning unit stops working or when their heater starts going clunk in the night, Google is the first place they go to for answers – and when that answer is your business, you want people to know!

Using Google AdWords is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reach potential customers online. But before you can start using Google AdWords to grow your HVAC contracting business, you’ll need to ask yourself the following six questions to get the most out of your advertising budget.

Is your website design effective and engaging?

Is your website up to date? Does your landing page copy convert? An AdWords campaign will get you clicks, but those clicks don’t mean a thing if your website is poorly designed or if your copy isn’t persuasive.

It’s always good to get a second opinion – even if you think your site is easy to navigate, it might feel like a maze to someone else. For clicks that get real conversions, make sure your landing pages appear user-friendly and professional.

Can your website handle an increase in traffic?

Consider the fact that a well-executed AdWords campaign can drive hundreds, if not thousands of new customers to your homepage. Can your site’s servers handle the increase in traffic, or will potential customers be frustrated by slow loading times?

Before you begin your campaign, make sure that your hosting software is up to date and that your media files and databases are optimized. These strategies will ensure that users can browse your site without any annoying lag.

Where are your customers?

Before you start advertising, you’ll need to determine the geographic area you want to target. It goes without saying that you’ll only want to reach people who could potentially become customers, so keep your advertising radius the same as your local service radius.

Who are your customers?

You want to reach as many people as possible with your Google AdWords campaign, but you also want to reach the right people. Now that you’ve narrowed down the geographic location of your target audience, it’s time to start thinking about demographic information such as gender, age, and household income.

For example, as an HVAC contractor, you want to target homeowners. That means you will want to avoid wasting your advertising dollars on 18 to 24-year-olds who live in apartment buildings and college dorm rooms.

What services do you want to advertise?

Think carefully about the specific services you want to advertise. Making a list of services can help you better decide what keywords you want to use. However, keep in mind that you may not want to advertise for all your services at once. For instance, you won’t need to spend a lot of money advertising AC repair services during the winter.

What services do you want to avoid advertising for?

In addition to keywords, Google AdWords lets you create a list of negative keywords when you create your campaign. These are words that aren’t relevant to your HVAC business. Identifying negative keywords prevents you from wasting money on impressions that don’t translate to sales.

For example, let’s say you specialize in air conditioning repair, but not car air conditioning repair. Therefore, you’d want your site to be excluded from searches relating to car air conditioning systems.

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