10 HVAC Digital Marketing Tips & Strategies

This article originally appeared here.

Have you ever wondered what exactly goes into HVAC digital marketing? HVAC digital marketing can help you to grow your business at a faster rate. If you would like to know more, read on to find out some tips and strategies that go into this style of marketing!

1. Complete a Competitive Analysis of the HVAC Digital Marketing Landscape

In order to understand how much time, money and resources that should be devoted into your HVAC digital marketing campaign, it is important to do a competitive analysis. In order to understand where you stand, you have to know what you’re up against!

What should you do during your competitive analysis?

2. Create a Mobile-Friendly Website

More than half of the searches for HVAC services tend to come from mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. As technology has evolved, Google now has a mobile-first search index. The mobile-first search index indicates that if the mobile version of your website doesn’t function the same as the desktop version, then you’ll most likely lose rankings just from that alone. Having a mobile-friendly website ensures that you’re thinking about mobile users as well as desktop users.

3. Launch a Secure Website

Most websites nowadays are switching from HTTP to HTTPS as a way of making your website more safe and secure. 94% of all one search rankings are now HTTPS. Google has even said themselves that they want to create a more secure web database, so most HVAC company websites are following along with them.

4. Build Social Media Profiles

Social media has become such an important aspect of HVAC digital marketing. Leads won’t only come from Facebook, but also from the many other social media platforms.

With that being said, if you’re an HVAC company in need of more exposure, you can use social media to:

5. Invest in Content Marketing

You might be wondering, “what is content marketing?” Content marketing is a strategic approach taken merely for creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract an audience – ultimately, to drive customer action. In other words, it’s a way of creating, publishing and sharing content in order to gain a specific outcome. For HVAC specifically, your website is the most important form of content. It’s a place to post new, upcoming products, blogs, images of your company team, etc. Most HVAC companies invest in content marketing along with search engine optimization (SEO) as a way of maximizing their search engine real estate.

6. Invest in Local SEO

Have you considered investing in local SEO? Local SEO is the process of optimizing your website, business listings, and social media profiles for local search results on search engines, such as Google, Bing, etc. Combining content marketing with local SEO will give your website the best chance to rank high in the Google maps listings as well as in the top three organic search results.

Local SEO services generally include:

7. Invest in Pay-Per-Click

Pay-per-click (PPC) is a handy-dandy tool that smart HVAC companies use to place their company at the very top of the search engine, instantly. In other words, it’s a pay-to-play system, or form of internet marketing that has been beneficial to most companies. It’s a recommended strategy because the campaigns can be turned on and off at any time, the campaigns are highly scalable, ads will generate visits from qualified leads, and the ads are timely, allowing them to run whenever you would like to.

8. Utilize Email Marketing

HVAC email marketing is still a proven way for all kinds of companies to grow their business. Not every single person that fills out the contact form on your website will be a lead; however, this doesn’t mean that they’re lost forever. A way to keep people informed about your business is to provide an opt-in email function. Those that opt-in will receive emails about upcoming promotions or services that they may be interested in. Email marketing allows you to bring in potential customers, or keep existing or past customers in the loop.

9. Create Video Marketing

Just in the past 30 days, more videos have been uploaded online than in the past 30 years of TV content combined. Yes, you heard that right! What’s even more important is that HVAC companies who use videos on their websites will have a higher click rate and web conversion rate. Videos can help improve SEO, increase customer engagement, and give your brand the personality that it needs in order to grow.

10. Assess Your Website Performance Monthly

Like any marketing strategy, you need to plan out how it will be executed. Meeting with an account manager on a monthly basis will help you to see what has been fulfilled, the results, and at what pace it is going. Not knowing if an investment is working for you or against you is poor decision making for an HVAC company, so it is important to follow up monthly on how your company is progressing.

Bonus Tip: Hire a Reputable Digital Marketing Partner!

We get it. If you’re busy running your business, you don’t have time to worry about all of the ins and outs of digital marketing. That’s what we’re here for! We’re experts in search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click(PPC), website designsocial media marketingvideo production editing, and more! What’s better is that RYNO Strategic Solutions specializes in HVAC digital marketing. We serve the trades and exist to grow your business…period!

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